Master Classes at Tbilisi 4th International Dental Congress
Master Classes Organizer: School of Teeth Restoration 11.04.2014 Master-class: Ksenia Lazareva “Extreme restorations. Insert post or not…
Master Classes Organizer: School of Teeth Restoration 11.04.2014 Master-class: Ksenia Lazareva “Extreme restorations. Insert post or not…
Radix and School of Teeth Restoration, with the support of Georgian Stomatologists Association, begins a contest in restorative dentistry.…
It’s been 4 years that students and residents section exists on Tbilisi International Dental Congress…
UFHEC University Santo Domingo; Dominican Republic Programs and Information of Training Residencies 1.-Oral Surgery Residency 2.-…
Preliminary Program: 12.04.2014 10:00 – 11:00 Opening ceremony. 11:00 – 12:00 Award the winner of…
Dedicated to 25th anniversary of AIETI Medical School foundation. The conference will focus on significant…
Levan Zardaleishvili – Phsycologist Affective communication. Doctor and patient’s relationship, how to reach success, how…
The First Eurasian Multidisciplinary Forum was held with the mutual collaboration of Grigol Robakidze University…
“Alpha-Bio Tec” and “Impladent” with the support of Scientific Research Center “RADIX” invites you to…