Young Scientists Dental Section at IX International Congress of Georgian Stomatological Association
The IX International Congress of Georgian Stomatological Association will be held on July 19-20 in Batumi. The Congress is supported by World Dental Federation and every year the leading Georgian and foreign specialists are delivering lectures and master-classes. Batumi congress is one of the most important events in the world dentistry.
The ninth season of Congress holds many news, one of them is Young Scientists Dentaal Section, which allows young scientists to realize themselves and show their abilities.
The section is organized by Scientific Research Center RADIX, in the framework of the Congress. Those who wish to participate in section should pass the selection tours. The selected works, which receive high estimation from scientific board, will be presented of the Congress. There are two ways to participate in the section: lecture or poster.
The aim of the section is to popularize and support scientific-research work in dental sphere.
Who can participate?
All residents, masters, aspirants, ordinates, doctorates or practicing doctors, who is doing the scientific-research work in Georgia or abroad can participate.
How can I participate?
- Those who wish to participate should send CV to
- Provide the research resume, which should contain:
The essence of the research: urgency of the topic, motivation of the researcher
The aim of the research
The tasks of the research
The design of the research: types/methods
The results of the research: short analysis (conclusion) of the research. If the research is not finalized yet, indicate the expected results, the hypothesis, experimental/preliminary results and/or results of the pilot research.
Discussion of literature: analyze of similar researches with indication of the source.
The description must be not more than 5 pages: download form fill and send to the following address:
Applicant must represent mentioned documents no later than May 20. Applicant should indicate, which form of participation he has chosen – lecture of poster.
For applicants will be arranged meetings on which will be discussed details of requested documentation, methods of preparation of posters and other issues. Primary selection of participators’ will be performed by scientific board wıth the followıng composition:
- Zurab Alkhanishvili (Master of Health Promotion, Health Education, Head of Section)
- Nino Vadachkkoria (MD, PhD)
- Zurab Balikhodze (MD, PhD)
- Ketevan Kobakhidze (MD, PhD)
- Tina Mikadze (MD, PhD)
- Tsira Barkaia (BA in General Psychology, Mphil in Special Need Education, PhD Student at Ilia State University)
- Maia Osipova-Schoeneich. Neuropsychologist, PhD in Psychology
The participator will only pay the attendance fee according to his degree (Student, Resident, Doctor)
Every participator will receive certificate for attendance and participation.
For additional information contact us 595 777 317.