This year Radix will be the host of the 5th scientific conference. The main aim of conference is to motivate young leaders and scientists research work.
The 20th of April was the begging and the first day from the workshops cycle, which was held in Tbilisi, for the 5th International Dental Congress Youth Session Participants. The speakers were invited from GSA (Georgian Dental Association), from Radix council and from Lithuanian University of Health Sciences as well.
First workshop was presented by Zurab Alkhanishvili, Vice President of GSA around the topic “How to prepare successful presentation for the audience”. The second workshop “Find the Leader in Yourself” was presented by Gvantsa Tabaghua, Vice president of Radix.
The third workshop will discuss the following topic:
“Research works at Universities and Practice.”
The workshop will be leaded by Gintaras Janužis, DMD, PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and by Donatas Nomeika, Student, Researcher, Acirve Mmeber of Student’s Scientific Oro-Facial Surgery Society, (Kaunas, Lithuania).
This year the 19 presenters will report their scientific research. Conference will be held at Georgian Parliament national Library, April 30th, 2015.
Participants of this year:
- 27 Dental Student and Resident
- 9 Educational Center
- 13 Scientific Supervisor
Infection control in dentistry – Nino Nebieridze, Anuki Machaidze, Albius Dental Academy, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Ketevan Gogilashvili, M.D., PhD, DMSc, Professor
Ecosystem of oral cavity – human health and microbial ecology – Irakli Beridze, Tbilisi State Medical University, 1st
Supervisor: Gvantsa Tabaghua – Cosmetic dentist, Endodontist. Scientific Researcher, PhD Student at Ilia State University
Pulp stem cells – New vision in dentistry – Beka Osephashvili, Tbilisi State Medical University, 5th
Supervisor: Gvantsa Tabaghua – Cosmetic dentist, Endodontist. Scientific Researcher, PhD Student at Ilia State UniversityCharacteristics of dental treatment in patient with Down syndrome – Maria Mushkudiani, Albius Dental Academy, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Zurab Alkhanishvili – DMD, MMSc
Benefits of elastic prosthesis – Sopio Puturidze, Vladimer Margvelashvili Dental Office, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Vladimer Margvelashvili, M.D., PhD, DMSc, Professor.
Popov-Godon’s phenomenon, its role in the development of occlusion deformation, aspects of prosthetic treatment – Salome Burjaliani, Vladimer Margvelashvili Dental Office, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Vladimer Margvelashvili, M.D., PhD, DMSc, Professor.
Occupational diseases in dental practice – Nargiz Eseridze, Tinatin Gogitidze. Albius Dental Academy.
Supervisor: Tinatin Svanishvili – Cosmetic dentist, Endodontist, Local conductor at dental residency program at Albius Dental Academy.
Degree of Odontoblasts’ Damage and Assessment of Risks in Restorative Dentistry – Mariam Manjgaladze, Tbilisi State Medical University learning center “Dentaprime”, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Zurab Alkhanishvili –DMD, MMSc.
Palate and lip developmental disorders – Natia Gochiashvili, Albius Dental Academy. Dental resident.
Supervisore: Gela Imerlishvili – Maxillofacial surgeon, laboratory assistant, Tbilisi State Medical University, Givi Zhvania pediatric clinic of surgical dentistry and dental disease prevention department.
Bruxism – Nino Bokhashvili, Miranda Sabiashvili, Albius Dental Academy, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Ketevan Gogilashvili, M.D., PhD, DMSc, Professor.
Toxic Osteomyelitis of Human Jaw – Salome Khorava, Albius Dental Academy.
Supervisor: Mamuka Gogiberidze, M.D., PhD, Professor.
Modern classification of caries lesion – Salome Kvantaliani, Salome Basashvili, Albius Dental Academy, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Maia Tsiklauri – Cosmetic dentist, Endodontist. Scientific Researcher and PhD Student at Ilia State University, Local conductor of dental residency program at Albius Dental Academy
The Decoration of Oral Cavity – Risks and Complications degree – Giorgi Bakhutashvili, Tbilisi Educational University “Gorgasali”, 5th
Supervisor: Gvantsa Tabaghua – Cosmetic dentist, Endodontist. Scientific Researcher, PhD Student at Ilia State University
The Spreading of Hepatitis C in dentistry – risks and reason of discrimination – Tamar Botchorishvili, Tbilisi State Medical University, 3rd
Supervisor: Zurab Alkhanishvili –DMD, MMSc
Plasmolifting in dentisrty – Ekaterine Iashvili, Ela Shetsiruli, Educational-clinical Center “Dent-Iveri XXI”, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Irma Imnadze – Cosmetic dentist, Endodontist. Local conductor of dental residency program at “Dent-Iveri XXI”. Scientific researcher and PhD Student at Ilia State University.
New challenges of dental services for persons with cerebral palsy – Mariam Zhghenti, Albius Dental Academy, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Zurab Alkhanishvili – DMD, MMSc
The role of orthodontist in the complex treatment of periodontal diseases – Sophio Kvaratskhelia, “Orthodontic Center” LTD, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Tinatin Koiava, Orthodontist.
The Spread of Virul Disease, Their Prevention and Management in Dentistry – Nino Devadze, Nana Chkhartishvili, Grigol Robakidze University, 5th
Supervisor: Ia Babilashvili – Dermato-venereologist, Lecturer at Grigol Robakidze University.
Augmentation as a leading method of mouth bone plastic – Giga Kiknadze, Marika Ramishvili, Alexandre Khutsishili. Dental Clinic “Dentex 95”, Dental resident.
Supervisor: Davit Sukhitashvili – Prosthodontist, Dental Implantologist
Giorgi Menabde, M.D. PhD, DMSc, Professor.