Preliminary Program:
10:00 – 11:00 Opening ceremony.
11:00 – 12:00 Award the winner of restoration competition
12:00 – 12:45 Management of Sharps’ Injuries where there is a risk of transmission of Blood Borne Viruses” – Dr. Tom Feeney. European President Elect at International College of Dentists, Delegate at Council of European Dentists Past: President at Irish Dental Association
12:45-13:00 Presentation of Company GlaxoSmithKline.
13:00 – 14:00 Coffee Break
14:00 – 14:40 “Platelet Rich Concentrates – Features and Rationale for Clinical Use” – Dr. GintarasJanužis, DMD., PhD., Assoc. Professor.
14:40-15:00 Actual problems, a save and innovative bioregulative drugs in dentistry.Presented by NatiaTsintsadze Dentist-medical representative, Company Heel,” Naturopath” LTD
15:00-16:00 Direct restoration of frontal teeth with composite veneer system “Componeer TM” . – Dr. Christian Gernkhard, DMD, PhD. Coltene/Whaledent, Switzerland.
16:00- 16:15- Presentation of Company Colgate Palmolive.
16:15-16:30 Coffee Break
10:00-11:00 “Extreme restoration, with or without post?!”-Dr. Ksenya Lazareva – Restorative Dentist of Sergey Randlinski Dental Studio “Appolonia”, Editor-in-chief of Dental Art Magazine “DentArt”, Doctor-instructor of “Prisma Championship”, Lector of Educational Center “Appolonia” (Ukraine)
11:00-12:00 “Research of Reasons and Intensity of Less Visiting to the Dentist. Fear factor, its influence and statistics.” – Dr. Nino Gvasalia, DMD, MD in dental clinic “Dental SPA”, SRC RADIX Vice-President.
12:00 – 12:45 “Understand material – select color – correct fixation. All-ceramic system IPS e.max.” Victor Daub, Head of dental training center IvoclarVivadent CIS/Baltics. 12:45-13:00 Presentation of company Euromedex.
13:00-13:45 Coffee Break
13:45-14:00-The advantage of usage of Bioregulative drugs in dental implantation. Presented by Giorgi Kochiashvili, Surgeon-implantologist. PHD, Vice-President of Georgian Association of Implantologist.
14:00-14: 40- “Complex approach to dental restorations. From function to aesthetics” – Dr. Arūnas Tursa, DMD., MD., Head of “Aruno tursos odontologi josnamai”, Vilnius, Lithuania.
14:40-15:00“Dental implant treatment: planning, importance of teamwork, solutions of complicated situations” – Dr. Artūras Stumbras, DMD., MD., Kunas, Lithuania.
15:00-15:30 Dental and medical co-management of pregnancy – Dr. Gvantsa Tabaghua, DMD., MD in Ketevan Gogilashvili Dental Center”ALBIUS”., PhD student, General Secretary of SRC RADIX.
15:30-15:40-Presentation of Dr. Theiss Naturwaren
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15- 17:15 Presentation of Implantology and Oral Surgery training course.Video-recordings of interesting clinical case operations. Rafael Perez Alonso,DMD., Granada, Spain
17:15-17:45 “Gender stereotypes and problems of labor segregation in dentistry” – Dr. Landa Lursmanashvili, DMD, MD in Dental clinic “INDIGO”, SRC RADIX Vice-President.
18:00 Closing Ceremony
General Sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline
Golden Sponsor: Heel – Naturopathy
Supporter companies: SprintDental, Euromedex, President, Dr. Theiss Naturwaren – Lacalut, Colgate-Palmolive company, DentalGeorgia, Pharmaceutical company “Gea”, Elkamed Mediator. Georgian Stomatological Association, School of Teeth Restoration, “ALBIUS” – Ketevan Gogilashvili Dental Center, Georgian Young Dentists’ Society, Healthcare Professionals league.
Social Program:
April 11: Tbilisi Tour: leaving hotel, Georgian National Museum, ride along the Leselidze street, Gondola trip above the Tbilisi, visiting Mother Georgia (historical place of old Tbilisi), national dinner.
April 12 16:00 – 18:00 Mtskheta tour (old capital of Georgia) – leaving the hotel, Mtskheta sightseeing, national dinner, leaving Mtskheta.
April 13 19:00 – Gala Dinner
Required for the registration: Fill in online registration form: Registration Form send scanned payment confirmation document to : or contact us: 995 555 777 895; 995 514 00 00 16; Registration fees: Registration fee: – 150$
Master Classes
Organizer: School of Teeth Restoration
11.04.2014 Master-class: Ksenia Lazareva “Extreme restorations. Insert post or not to insert” Dentist at Sergey Radlinsky Dental Clinic-Studio “Apolinia”, Redactor of journal about art in dentistry “DentArt”, Trainer of basic course in biomimetic tooth restoration after Sergey Radlinsky; Dentist-instructor at “PrismaChempionship”; Lector at learning centre “Apolonia”.
Participation in master-class – 120 GEL
Theoretical part
• Analyze of construction for devitalized teeth restoration
• Biomechanics of devitalized teeth
• Type of posts and their use in direct and indirect restorations.
• Algorithm of tooth restoration with glass-fiber posts.
• Steps of direct restoration of tooth on root without post.
• “For” and “contras” for with- and without-post techniques
• Clinical cases of restoration with and without posts. Videodemonstration
• Direct restoration of crown without post with composite inlay.
• Restorationfinishing
• Discussion
12.04.2014 Master-class :Cristian Gernhardt “Componeer- new methodology of frontal teeth restoration”,
Clinical consultant of “Coltene” (Switzerland ). Associated Professor at Department of Dental Surgery and Periodontology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
Participation in master-class – 150 GEL
Теоретическая часть
• Новая методика системы композитныхвиниров. Реставрация фронтальной группы зубов без оттиска и привлечения лаборатории за одно посещение.
• Возможность объединить преимущества консервативного лечения – прямая реставрация и безукоризненная точность и прочность высококлассныхвиниров.
• Клинические показания, технические характеристики материала, особенности препарирования, преимущества предложенной технологии для врача и пациента. Практическая часть будет проходить на оборудованных рабочих местах. Участникам будет предоставлена возможность апробации работы с системой на моделях: фиксация винира, окончательное контурирование, полировка. Будут объяснены нюансы выбора размера и оттенка COMPONEER в различных клинических ситуациях.
14/15.04.2013 Master-class: IVOCLAR VIVADENT Master-class for dentists and dental technicians around nonmetal ceramic veneer and crown.
Participation in master-class: 100 EURO
Please, fill the registration form: Registration Form and confirm payment procedure via email: or contact us: 555 777 895; 514 00 00 16;