Master Classes
Organizer: School of Teeth Restoration
Master-class: Ksenia Lazareva “Extreme restorations. Insert post or not to insert” Dentist at Sergey Radlinsky Dental Clinic-Studio “Apolinia”, Redactor of journal about art in dentistry “DentArt”, Trainer of basic course in biomimetic tooth restoration after Sergey Radlinsky; Dentist-instructor at “PrismaChempionship”; Lector at learning centre “Apolonia”.
Participation in master-class – 120 GEL
Theoretical part
• Analyze of construction for devitalized teeth restoration
• Biomechanics of devitalized teeth
• Type of posts and their use in direct and indirect restorations.
• Algorithm of tooth restoration with glass-fiber posts.
• Steps of direct restoration of tooth on root without post.
• “For” and “contras” for with- and without-post techniques
• Clinical cases of restoration with and without posts. Videodemonstration
• Direct restoration of crown without post with composite inlay.
• Restorationfinishing
• Discussion
12.04.2014 Master-class :Cristian Gernhardt “Componeer- new methodology of frontal teeth restoration”, Clinical consultant of “Coltene” (Switzerland ). Associated Professor at Department of Dental Surgery and Periodontology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
Participation in master-class – 150 GEL
Теоретическая часть
• Новая методика системы композитныхвиниров. Реставрация фронтальной группы зубов без оттиска и привлечения лаборатории за одно посещение.
• Возможность объединить преимущества консервативного лечения – прямая реставрация и безукоризненная точность и прочность высококлассныхвиниров.
• Клинические показания, технические характеристики материала, особенности препарирования, преимущества предложенной технологии для врача и пациента. Практическая часть будет проходить на оборудованных рабочих местах. Участникам будет предоставлена возможность апробации работы с системой на моделях: фиксация винира, окончательное контурирование, полировка. Будут объяснены нюансы выбора размера и оттенка COMPONEER в различных клинических ситуациях.
Master-Classes Ketevan Gogilashvili Dental Center ALBIUS
April 11, 2014
Laser Dentistry
10.00 -11.30 Laser –Basic of biophysics.
Different wave length usage in dentistry. Understanding the principles of action of laser radiation on human tissue. The effects caused by the laser radiation.
11.30 -12.00 Coffee break
12.00 -13.30 Key aspects of safety precautions. Interaction of laser radiation on human tissues. Contact and non-contact method. Clinical application of diode laser 940 nm: Dental Surgery, periodontology, restorative dentistry.
13.30 – 15.00 Lunch
15.00 – 17.30 Clinical application of diode laser 940 nm: Dermatology, endodontic, orthodontic, pedodontic.
17.30 -18.00 Coffee break
18.00 – 19.30 Diode laser Epic10 – manual skills, live demonstration. Discussion of clinical cases of complications and failures.
Participation in master-class:
lecturer: Dr. Oleg Tsema. Doctor – the highest category. Instructor – lecturer, coach – company Biolase, The representative of Ukraine at WFLD (International Association of Laser Dentistry) and AALZ (Aachen Center for Laser Dentistry) in Ukraine.
Specialist in the use of lasers in dentistry, private practice, Kiev, Ukraine.
Participation in master-class – 150$
Use of Easyshape, F 360 in dental practice
April 14. 2014
- Product description
- Identification of files
- Usage method
- Storage and sterilization
- Packing
- Price/Kit
- Marketing materials
- Competitor materials
- Advantages of Easyshape
- Unique features
Coffee break
- Video demonstration
- Practical demonstration
- Theory, demonstration on endoblocks.
- Theory, demonstration on endo blocks + tooth.
Participants work on endoblocks. - Theory, demonstration on endoblocks, tooth.
Participants work on endoblocks and tooth. - Demonstration on patient.
Endo rescue
- Product description
- Usage method
- Storage and sterilization
- Price/Kit
- Unique features
- Video demonstration
- Mater class
- Practical part
- Working on endoblocks
Participation in master-class: 250 Gel. Registered participants at congress will receive a 50 Gel discount.
For more information, please contact:
Master-class: IVOCLAR VIVADENT Master-class for dentists and dental technicians around nonmetal ceramic veneer and crown.
Participation in master-class: 100 EURO