Tom Feeney, UK

European President Elect at International College of Dentists, Delegate at Council of European Dentists; Former President at Irish Dental Association. Ireland

Ketevan Gogilashvili

MD, PhD, Professor, President of Georgian Dental Association

Gintaras Januzis

DMD., PhD., Assoc. Professor.

Ksenia Lazarieva

Aestetic Dentist at Segei Radlinski Clinic- studio “Apollonia”, Head of the international Competition Prizma Championship”, Editor in chief of dental journal “dent art”.  Ukraine

Sophio Samkharadze

MD, PhD, Assoc. Professor.
The Vice President of the Georgian Dental Association

Eter Bakhtadze

The director of O.Bakhtadze Dental Training Center “Dentiver XXI”, The local coordinator of dental residency program

Marika Zurmukhtashvili

Dental clinic “DEntex-95”, PhD student at Ilia State University

Lali Kochlashvili

World Federation of Orthodontists – WFO Member ,Euroasian Association Of Orthodontists, IOS Hanover, Country representative, PhD student

Zurab Gersamia

Aestetic Dentist, Founder of dental clinic “Elite, MD, PhD, Head of “Restorative School”.

Tengiz Lobzhanidze

MD, PhD, Head of Georgian Dental Association Imereti Regional Organization

Tea Chubinidze

Director and founder dental clinic,,UNISTOM”. The winner of dental art restoration competition in 2007 y.

Natia Rusadze, DMD

Clinical Supervisor at DentoClub