It’s been three years that students and residents section exists on Tbilisi International Dental Congress (TIDC) where young researcher get motivated in continuation of scientific work.
Sections subject is free, but it must meet at least one of the requirements bellow:
- Must present interesting clinical case
- Subject must contain connection of dentistry with other medical sciences.
- Clinical research work must be presented.
- Must present research summary about innovations in dentistry.
Anyone that is a dental student and residents can participate in this section. From 2012 Head of the Section is Gvantsa Tabaghua – (D.M.D, PhD (Ilia State University), General Secretary of Scientific Research Center “Radix”, Dentist (Dental Clinic and Education Center “Cedex”)
Section is a competition in some someway. Each speech must be seven minutes long. Judges chosen by Congress Organizing Committee will rate works according to different measures and standards. Three winners will be named in the end.
In the past years judges were:
1.Tamar Kurashvili – M.D, PhD (Ilia State Unversity)
2. Levan Tadumadze – M.D, PhD (Chachava Clinic)
3. Pavle Khujadze – Dentist (Nino Beridze Orthodontic Center)
4. Marika Kublashvili – M.D, PhD (Grigol Robakidze University)
5. Manana Kalandadze – M.D, PhD (Tbilisi State University)
6. Sophio Samkharadze – M.D, PhD (Grigol Robakidze University)
7. Lali Kotchlashvili – Doctor Orthodontist (Dental Clinic and Education Center “Cedex”)
8. Rusudan Ivanishvili – Dentist (Vladimer Margvelashvili Dental Clinic)
9. Natalia Shonia – M.D. PhD (Grigol Robakidze Universty)
TIDC Students and Residents Section 2011 Winners
1. Nino Tsintsadze (Tblisi State university)
2. Anna Bokuchava (Grigol Robakidze University)
3. Gvantsa Tabaghua (Resident of Dental Clinic and Education Center “Cedex”)
TIDC Students and Residents Section 2011 Winners
1. Tamar Nibladze – (Resident of Dental Clinic and Education Center “Cedex”)
2. Sophio Pilievi – (University “Geomed”)
3. Lika khutsishvili – (Resident of Dental Clinic and Education Center “Cedex”)

Tamar Nibladze – TIDC Students and Residents Section 2012 Winner
In 2013 season judges will be chosen according to the subject of the research work and speeches that are going to take place. However there is going to be major change compare with previous years: three judges are going to be dentist that will grade (rate) only subject related to stomatology, fourth judge will be psychologist Tsira Barkaia (BA in General Psychology, Mphil in Special Need Education, PhD Student at Ilia State University) and fifth judge will be the audience in the hall that will rate all participants. After summarizing answers judges votes will be added (judges + 1 vote).
Headnotes submission for Tbilisi Third International Dental Congress section for students and residents starts at 10th of March 2013. Selection will be performed in a few steps: first selection will be performed according to headnotes (thesis). On the second level text presentation will be required, on the third level – Power-Point presentations. There will be only 5 speeches presented in this section. You can submit your thesis via e-mail on following address:
The winner will receive prize from partner organizations.