UFHEC University Santo Domingo; Dominican Republic
Programs and Information of Training Residencies
1.-Oral Surgery Residency
2.- Implantology Residency
3- Advanced Implantology Residency
In the three levels of training we have the necessary infrastructure and human resources.
The main advantage we have is the large influx of patients at the UFHEC University, which guarantees the development of the different programs.
Also, in the case of demand, we offer courses for beginners and for professional impalntologysts
Learning conditions and the schedule is the same. Detailed information is given below.
1.-General Oral Surgery.
2.-Placement of implants.
A. – Two days of theory, video projection, and stay at the Department of Anatomy , working on identifying the most important anatomical structures. (Application eminently practical). As the starting point in order to real training on patients.
B.- Five days of practice on patients, full time, 10 hours per day.
On the beginners level, we require to the students as minimum of general surgery training, in which they manage successfully the surgical steps at any general oral surgery . (Anesthesia, incision, flap removing, surgery, suturing and postoperative wound care).
Basic Surgeries:
.1 .Included teeth (third molars, canines, supernumerary). Apicectomies,
.2 . Pre-prosthetic surgery, tori, exostosis, etc.
.3 .Hard and soft tissue fenestrations.
.4 .Soft tissue management, such as frenulum, fibrous insertions, fisuratumepulis , etc.. (Basic vestibuleplastyas).Soft tissue grafts and techniques.
During surgery we will be talking to students of different approaches at each surgery as well as the different suture techniques.
2.-Introducing implantology Surgery:
The student will place 5 implants in patients with normal alveolar ridge, well acquainted with the prosthetic and surgical concept .
So, the students will be acquainted with bone and soft tissue biology, asprevious and essential basis to start working on implant surgery (periodontal surgery , GTR, GBR, biomaterials, etc)
2.- Fee: 4500€ or the equivalent in American dollars.
The program :
A.-Theoretical Objectives: (2 days)
1. Theory regarding to the surgeries.
2. Video projection. Different surgeries.
3. Anatomy department. Working with cadavers on identifying the most important anatomical structures.
As the starting point in order for the real training on patients.
B. Practical Objectives: (5 days, 10 hours a day at Clinic)
1.Diagnostic and treatment planning: clinical exam, radiological exam,(Panoramic X-Ray and TAC, scanner) and casts study.
2.-Placement of 15 dental implants, in normal or narrow alveolar ridge with expanding and splitting techniques.
3.-Maxillary sinus lift: Direct (Caldwell Luc) Indirect (Osteotomes)
Biomaterials.Altenatives techniques to Sinus lift, as tilted implants, short implants,etc.
4.-Severe maxillary atrophy reconstruction with block or particulate grafts. Types of grafts; block bone or particulated grafts. Biomaterials.GBR, GTR.Techniques.
5. Assit or place Implants after dental extractions.GBR and GTR.
6. Assist or make Immediate loading. Impression Techniques. Occlusion and Prosthodontics concepts.
General information:
1. The course takes 7 days, plus outbound day, resting day and inbound day.
2. It would be two students per dental- chair with a monitor. Students help as assistants to each other,
so they would made their own surgeries and would help the teammate. The kind of surgeries could be
modified in case there would have many of one type and less than other ones. This clarification would
be like a last minute emergency. (Failure of one patient, we will always have patients on waiting list.)
3. Fee: 4800€ or the equivalent in American dollars.
Flight ticket and hotel cost are included in final course fees.(Flight ticket is provided from Madrid).
4. Course material:
The course material is contributed by UFHEC University, except materials which, student must bring with him.
5. Student must provide:
a. Hand piece for Dental Implant surgery Motor.
b. Basic kit of Oral Surgery; scalp, periosteal, scissors, langenbeck or minnnesota retractor, surgical
clamp, tungsten and diamond nº1,2,3,4, round burs.
c. Sinus Lift and ostetomes kit.( its required only for students are taking the Implantolog Residency
and Advanced Implantology Residency.)
6. The student has to make registration one month before that the course date.
The contents would be:
1. – Severe maxillary atrophies. Diagnosis. Treatment Techniques
2.- Maxillary sinus lift and subnasal floor lift.
3.- Grafts: (autologous, heterologous, xenografts, alloplastic) reconstructions of severe maxillary atrophy with block bone or particulated grafts. Biomaterials, resorbable or non-resorbablecollagene membrane, titanium mesh, polylacticacid mesh,etc.
4.-Pterygoids implants.
5.-Major rehabilitation with implants placement and immediate loading in severe atrophy cases.
6.-Guided and minimally invasive surgery. This would be the most advanced level that could expand with you there.
1. A. – Two days of theory,
B.- Five days of practice on patients, full time, 10 hours per day.
Fee: 6500€ or the equivalent in American dollars.