Radix and School of Teeth Restoration, with the support of Georgian Stomatologists Association, begins a contest in restorative dentistry.
Goals of the contest:
– To bestir talented young dentists’ creative work
– Popularization of modern methods and technologies of restoration of chewing teeth
– Providing of dental care to socially unsecured population
– Promotion of Dentistry in society
– Smartening of dental service control mechanism
– Manifestation of the best young doctor in restorative dentistry
Terms and conditions:
– Any doctor working at Georgia or any other country can enter the contest;
– In order for Georgian doctor to enter the contest, they should be a member of Scientific-Research Center RADIX member (for the current year)
– None of the organizational group and supporting clinics doctors’ family members can take part in a contest.
– The selection of contestants will be performed by considering the registration form and by professional interviewing by the jury members.
– In the first tour selected candidates will compete with each other on dental moulage with caries problems ( Caries lesion type – II, by Black ).
– The job will be estimated by the official jury (before the contest the thematic lecture – masterclass on Cofferdam system will be given to contestants).
– Winners of the 1st tour will pass to the final tour, where they will work immediately with the patient’s oral cavity, chewing teeth area, with the clinical cases of different heaviness.
– The final estimation of the job will be performed in 4-5 days, when restoration will take the final form;
– The winner will be announced on the 1st day of RADIX IV International Dental Congress
Contest holding place, jury and estimation system:
– The clinical part of the contest will be held in the center of aesthetic dentistry “Elite”
– The international jury will estimate the contestants work at each stage of the contest
– Each contestant will be given the individual code, which will be used during the estimation, by this the contestants will remain anonymous and jury will be objective;
Material-technical resources of the contest:
The material-technical resources will be maintained by organizational group. Each patient for the contest will be selected by equal cases. During the contests contestants must wear the t-shirts provided by the organizational group. (Other accessories – white pants and footwear should be carried by contestants).
How to register:
You should sent CV to: radix.ge@gmail.com
For the additional info, please contact us: +995 5 93 792 501